Diocese of Northampton

Our Lady Help of Christians Church

Parish Census

Welcome to our parish census.

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If you've not created one before

I am happy for the Diocese of Northampton to store my information
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About You
Your Family
Your Friends
Your Skills
Your Church
Your Diocese
About You
Let us have the best contact details for you
Date of Birth:
Photo - Optional
Upload a face picture if you feel comfortable doing so.
Your Parish
What do you consider as your main/home parish?
When did you join the parish?
About Us:
What we do with your information
Diocesan Privacy Policy
Diocesan Privacy Policy

Your Family
Let us know who in the Parish you are related to.
Children (under 18)
We won’t contact your children directly.
Other Adult Family Members (18 and over)
Esp. those parentally responsible for children.
Add a Family Member
We won't store this person`s information. We will just send them an email. If they have signed up already, it will ask them if they accept the link, if they haven't signed up it will ask if they want to.
Step 1 - THEIR Information
First NameTheir Email
Step 2 - Your Children
Step 3 - Email
Email Message
This is the message they will receive - you can personalise the text in the white box:

Hi FirstName,


 I have added you as my

If your contact HAS filled in a Parish Census already:
 Please click here to accept a link between our records.
If your contact HAS NOT in a Parish Census:
Please click here to register as a parishioner and approve your connection to the family.

What is CASPAR?

CASPAR is an communications system speicifically for Catholic parishes to help them stay in touch, and communicate more effectively. It is also designed to reduce the workload for the parish so there is less time on admin and more time on ministry. If you want to sign up as a member of your parish, you can put as much or as little information in as you want, and you can delete it whenever you want. So you are in control of your information.

Your Friends
Any friends in the parish you would like to connect with, or people you would like to invite to fill out the parish census.
Invite friends to fill out the Parish Census and create a link to them.
We won't store this person`s information. We will just send them an email. If they have signed up already, it will ask them if they accept the link, if they haven't signed up it will ask if they want to.
Their Details:
Email Message
This is the email we will send to let them know you would like to link to them. You can change the text of the section in the white box:

Hi FirstName,


 I have added you as a Friend

If your contact HAVE filled in a Parish Census already:
 Please click here to accept.
If your contact HAVE NOT in a Parish Census:
Please click here to fill in the parish census yourself and accept. If you have filled in the parish census with a different email address you will be able to link the two.

Your Skills
Our parish community is made up of people with lots of different skills and experiences. It is really useful for us to know what those skills/experiences are so if you're happy to share that, please do so here
Languages Spoken
Church(es) - you regularly attend
Add another Church
Gift Aid
Any financial support you give to the church, whether through weekly collections or for occasional offerings can be worth more if you Gift Aid them. There are some conditions though so if you would like to know more about it, let us know here. Please tick any boxes that apply to you.

Church Search

Church Search


Our Lady Help of Christians Church, Luton,
St Thomas Church, nr Luton,
St Margaret of Scotland Church, Farley Hill, Luton
The Holy Ghost Church, Beach Hill, Luton
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Luton,
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Luton,
St Joseph Church, Limbury, Luton
The Holy Family Church, Luton,
St Martin de Porres Catholic Church, Luton,
St John the Apostle Church, Luton,
St Mary Church, Dunstable,
Sacred Heart Church, Flitwick,
Sacred Heart Church, Leighton Buzzard,
St Francis of Assisi Church, Shefford,
St Mary Church, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes
St Columba Church, Chesham,
St Thomas Aquinas Church, Bletchley,
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Chesham Bois,
Delete Church
Pope Check

If you need help there are a few options:

- Email Us at support@caspar.church
- Phone Us on 01440 730399
- Improved Live Chat coming back soon!

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